Groot Schijn pumping station - floating debris boom

Groot Schijn pumping station : Bolina Booms PDB600 floating debris boom
In 2018, Kurt Elst of the Agentschap Wegen en Verkeer (the Flemish Roads and Traffic Agency) got in touch with us for a floating debris skimmer at the newly built Groot Schijn pumping station in Deurne – Antwerp.
The new pumping station was built to transfer the water from the Groot Schijn flow by way of 6 Archimedes screws to the Albert Canal situated at an elevated level. As part of the station’s construction, the waterway was widened from approximately 10 to 21 metres, with a debris grating that measures 21 metres in length and 6 metres in height with an automatic grating cleaner put in place at the water inlet of the pump screws.
To step up the weed cleaner’s efficiency, a Bolina Booms floating debris boom was installed, which diverts the debris to the first 6 metres of the debris grating. As a result, the cleaner did not need to scrape the entire 21 metres each time, with the debris diverted to and concentrated in the first 2 cleansing lanes. The positive outcomes of this step meant more efficient cleaning of the weed, as well as reduced wear and less maintenance of the cleaner as such.
At the Groot Schijn, it was decided to go for a floating debris boom with black Bolina floats, mounted onto the screen that is 600 mm in height, with a total barrier length of 40 metres. Because of the potential 3-metre water level difference, upstream a Bolina channel tube construction was put up against the wall. Downstream, it was impossible to fit the defence screen against the sloping weed screen. Which is why a separate pile construction with a pile float was put in place, which was anchored onto the existing concrete cross beams below the water line. To cope with the potential tensile stress, this pile was chemically anchored by way of a tripod construction.
The aperture between this foundation pile and the grating was sealed across its entire length using a custom-made HDPE panel, to prevent floating debris from flowing to the other section of the weed screen through this aperture.