Since 2023 AQWatt has been Turbiwatt's technical-commercial agent for all requests and projects in the Benelux. Request for information, feasibility study, offer up to on-site measurement, site monitoring and commissioning, Aqwatt is your single point of “Turbiwatt” contact!
Turbiwatt has developed turbines specifically adapted to the exploitation of low heads. Since 2010, with the assistance of the CEA, Turbiwatt has developed a range of products dedicated to run-of-river applications, profitable and efficient from 1.20 m drop. The objective was to favor a simple, robust, economical and standardized design to achieve a competitive cost price on low powers but without concessions on performance.
Today, Turbiwatt has a complete range producing from 3 to 130 kW per unit with excellent overall efficiency (+/- 80%). Silent and submerged, Turbiwatt turbines are without noise or visual nuisance. Ultra compact, their installation is greatly facilitated (generator integrated into the turbine).
With more than 150 installations in around ten countries (France, Germany, Austria, Japan, etc.), Turbiwatt has built up solid experience in the entire deployment of hydroelectricity projects.